SHAF Center for Future Studies& Crises Analysis (Middle East & Africa)
The Shaf center for future studies and crisis analysis (Middle East and Africa) is a non-partisan, independent institution established in September 2021, working aside any political or ideological considerations. Considering the crises and conflicts encountered by Both Arab and African States, the Center's various academic and applied activities seek to contribute substantive and analytical material to decision makers and decision-makers that will assist them in reaching effective proposals for action on various crises and issues.
Our Vision
- The Center’s access to leadership and to be classified as one of the most powerful thinks tanks in the Middle East and African studies specializing in crisis and conflict analysis by 2030.
- Work to be a source of trust and engagement with all decision-making institutions and become one of the most important think tanks for decision-makers at the national and regional levels.
- To be a specialized scientific platform for studying and anticipating international and regional changes and their implications for the region, and to enrich this debate between academics and specialists, while presenting a distinctive and unique knowledge perception about all changes.
- To include the Center as the most prominent platform for political awareness, dialogue, and education in the public sphere, and to contribute effectively to the international and regional debate and decisions on current and future challenges.
- Keeping abreast of the ambitious development visions of the Center’s countries of interest and focusing on them as inspiring models locally, regionally, and continuously, and looking ahead in the light of current challenges and threats, in the light of accelerated technological developments.
Our Mission
- Work to serve the objectives and determinations of the national interest at various levels, to contribute actively to the decision-making process in the Arab and African countries through high-quality studies and research.
- Enriching local, regional, and international public opinion, while raising awareness on various Arab and African issues.
- Strengthening research contributions to crisis and conflict management in the Middle East and the African continent.
- Work to highlight the Center’s opinion on the problems involved, by providing researchers and experts with a free and objective approach within the limits of the rules and regulations of scientific research.